
Another Take on the Battle Hymn of the Republic

Do It Now!

Sorcery, or Use of Drugs?

God Is "Hyper" About Us

Koinōnia: What We Share in Common

Let Go! = Leave, Allow, or Forgive?

Comfort, Encourage, Exhort, or Beg?

What Might Bonhoeffer Say?

The Progressive Jesus: A Distortion

Caesar and Today's Barabbas

The Dispute About "O Holy Night"

Is Elohim Jehovah, or a Pantheon?

What Happened to the Apostles?

Was Adam's Sin Necessary?

No Secrets in the True Church

Repentance: Necessary for Salvation?

Joseph Flips Paul on His Head

What About Those Who Lived Before Christ?

Eternal Marriage: Plain and Precious, or Invention?

Why Wouldn't a Loving God Want to Make Us Just Like Him?

Does God Have a Bod?

Real People, Real History: Abraham and Chedorlaomer

Is Grace Not Enough?

LDS Laborer Not Worthy of Hire?

Mythology About Church Disunity

No Priesthood Authority in the New Testament?

Priesthood Authority: Joseph's Word Alone?

The One and Only Melchizedek Priest

Why Not Grab for Godhood?

The Curse of Galatians 3:10

Begotten or Adopted?

Pray About It? Not Always

Joseph Smith as a Student of Hebrew

Kirtland and a Very Different Temple

Who Writes Our Script? Thoughts on "Saturday's Warrior"

What's Different About Our Worship?

The Mormon Jesus in the Manger

Predestination and Mormon "Agency"

Homosexuality and the Historical Joseph

How Is My Lifestyle a Threat to Your Marriage?

How Can Jesus Be the Only Way?

A Cure For Cynicism: Jesus' Resurrection

They Know Not What They Do

A Tale of Two Kings: Elvis and Jesus

Pastors and Stress

The Joker, the Bible, and April Fool's Day

Rough Stone Rolling: My Last Word on Joseph Smith

Faith-Promoting Fibs

Can God Change?

Pre-Existence: Is It Biblical?

Marissa IL, LDS History, and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

The Book of Abraham: How Good Was Joseph's Translation?

Can Falsehood Produce Good Fruit?

The Non-Mormon Theology of the Book of Mormon

Was Jesus a Polygamist?

The Historical Jesus and the Historical Joseph Smith

Whose Word Can We Trust?

As Far As It Is Translated Correctly

Did We Take Out "Plain and Precious Teachings"?

Come Clean, Ye Saints?

The True Church: How Can We Tell?

Coffee, Anyone?

Adam-ondi-Ahman: Adam in Missouri?

Learning From Bonhoeffer

Today's Pharisee and Publican

Timeless Truth and Constant Change

The Roman Sword and the Circular Firing Squad

Jesus at the Head of the Class

Was Jesus a Liberal Democrat?

Aspire to Live Quietly

Steel Production and Stewardship of the Earth

Does God Care More About Justice Than About Sex?

The Book of Hebrews and the Wesleyan Daisy ("He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not")

Jesus Goes to Gehenna for Us

A Land Crab in the Israeli Desert?

Does God Care About Property Maintenance?

How to Define Hate

Response to Benjamin Cremer